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Organic Chemistry, 12e Study Guide & Student Solutions Manual 12th Edition

Organic Chemistry, 12e Study Guide & Student Solutions Manual 12th Edition PDF

Author: T. W. Graham Solomons

Publisher: ‎ Wiley


Publish Date: April 11, 2016

ISBN-10: 111907732X

Pages: 752

File Type: PDF

Language: English

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Book Preface

Contrary to what you may have heard, organic chemisty does not have to be a difficult course. It will be a rigorous course, and it will off er a challenge. But you will learn more in it than in almost any course you will take-and what you learn will have a special relevance to life and the world around you. However, because organic chemistry can be approached in a logical and systematic way, you will find that with the right study habits, mastering organic chemistry can be a deeply satisfying experience. Here, then, are some suggestions about how to study:

1. Keep up with your work from day to day-never let yourself get behind. Organic chemistry is a course in which one idea almost always builds on another that has gone before. It is essential, therefore, that you keep up with, or better yet, be a little ahead of your instructor. Ideally, you should try to stay one day ahead of your instructor’s lectures in your own class preparations. The lecture, then, will be much more helpful because you will already have some understanding of the assigned material. Your time in class will clarify and expand ideas that are already familiar ones.
2. Study material in small units, and be sure that you understand each new section before you go on to the next. Again, because of the cumulative nature of organic chemistry, your studying will be much more effective if you take each new idea as it comes and try to understand it completely before you move on to the next concept.
3. Work all of the in-chapter and assigned problems. One way to check your progress is to work each of the in-chapter problems when you come to it. These problems have been written just for this pur­pose and are designed to help you decide whether or not you understand the material that has just been explained. You should also carefully study the Solved Problems. If you understand a Solved Problem and can work the related in-chapter prob­lem, then you should go on; if you cannot, then you should go back and study the preceding mate­rial again. Work all of the problems assigned by your instructor from the end of the chapter, as well. Do all of your problems in a notebook and bring this book with you when you go to see your instructor for extra help.
4. Write when you study. Write the reactions, mecha­nisms, structures, and so on, over and over again. Organic chemistry is best assimilated through the fingertips by writing, and not through the eyes by simply looking, or by highlighting material in the text, or by ref erring to flash cards. There is a good reason for this. Organic structures, mechanisms, and reactions are complex. If you simply examine them, you may think you understand them thor­oughly, but that will be a misperception. The reac­tion mechanism may make sense to you in a certain way, but you need a deeper understanding than this. You need to know the material so thoroughly that you can explain it to someone else. This level of understanding comes to most of us ( those of us without photographic memories) through writ­ing. Only by writing the reaction mechanisms do we pay sufficient attention to their details, such as which atoms are connected to which atoms, which bonds break in a reaction and which bonds form, and the three-dimensional aspects of the struc­tures. When we write reactions and mechanisms, connections are made in our brains that provide the long-term memory needed for success in or­ganic chemistry. We virtually guarantee that your grade in the course will be directly proportional to the number of pages of paper that you fill with your own writing in studying during the term.

5. Learn by teaching and explaining. Study with your student peers and practice explaining concepts and mechanisms to each other. Use the Learning Group Problems and other exercises your instructor may assign as vehicles for teaching and learning inter­actively with your peers.
6. Use the answers to the problems in the Study Guide in the proper way. Ref er to the answers only in two circumstances: (1) When you have finished a prob­lem, use the Study Guide to check your answer. (2) When, after making a real effort to solve the prob­lem, you find that you are completely stuck, then look at the answer for a clue and go back to work out the problem on your own. The value of a prob­lem is in solving it. If you simply read the problem and look up the answer, you will deprive yourself of an important way to learn.
7. Use molecular models when you study. Because of the three-dimensional nature of most organic molecules, molecular models can be an invaluable aid to your understanding of them. When you need to see the three-dimensional aspect of a particular topic, use the Molecular Visions TM model set that may have been packaged with your textbook, or buy a set of models separately. An appendix to the Study Guide that accompanies this text provides a set of highly useful molecular model exercises.
8. Make use of the rich online teaching resources in Wiley PLUS including ORION’s adaptive learning system.

“Solving the Puzzle” or “Structure Is Everything

As you begin your study of organic chemistry it may seem like a puzzling subject. In fact, in many ways organic chemistry is like a puzzle-a jigsaw puzzle. But it is a jigsaw puzzle with useful pieces, and a puzzle with fewer pieces than perhaps you first thought. In order to put a jigsaw puzzle together you must consider the shape of the pieces and how one piece fits together with another. In other words, solving a jigsaw puzzle is about structure. In organic chemistry, molecules are the pieces of the puzzle. Much of organic chemistry, indeed life itself, depends upon the fit of one molecular puzzle piece with another. For example, when an antibody of our immune system acts upon a foreign substance, it is the puzzle-piece-like fit of the antibody with the invading molecule that allows “capture” of the foreign substance. When we smell the sweet scent of a rose, some of the neural impulses are initiated by the fit of a molecule called geraniol in an olfactory receptor site in our nose. When an adhesive binds two surf aces together, it does so by billions of interactions between the molecules of the two materials. Chemistry is truly a captivating subject.

As you make the transition from your study of general to organic chemistry, it is impor­tant that you solidify those concepts that will help you understand the structure of organic molecules. A number of concepts are discussed below using several examples. We also suggest that you consider the examples and the explanations given, and ref er to information from your general chemistry studies when you need more elaborate information. There are also occasional references below to sections in your text, Solomons, Fryhle, and Snyder Organic Chemistry, be­cause some of what follows foreshadows what you will learn in the course.


What do we need to know to understand the structure of organic molecules? First, we need to know where electrons are located around a given atom. To understand this we need to recall from general chemistry the ideas of electron configuration and valence shell electron orbitals, especially in the case of atoms such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. We also need to use Lewis valence shell electron structures. These concepts are useful because the shape of a molecule is defined by its constituent atoms, and the placement of the atoms follows from the location of the electrons that bond the atoms. Once we have a Lewis structure for a molecule, we can consider orbital hybridization and valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory in order to generate a three-dimensional image of the molecule.
Secondly, in order to understand why specific organic molecular puzzle pieces fit together we need to consider the attractive and repulsive forces between them. To understand this we need to know how electronic charge is distributed in a molecule. We must use tools such as formal charge and electronegativity. That is, we need to know which parts of a molecule are relatively positive and which are relatively negative-in other words, their polarity. Asso­ciations between molecules strongly depend on both shape and the complementarity of their electrostatic charges (polarity).
When it comes to organic chemistry it will be much easier for you to understand why organic molecules have certain properties and react the way they do if you have an appreciation for the structure of the molecules involved. Structure is, in f act, almost everything, in that whenever we want to know why or how something works we look ever more deeply into its structure. This is true whether we are considering a toaster, jet engine, or an organic reaction. If you can visualize the shape of the puzzle pieces in organic chemistry (molecules), you will see more easily how they fit together (react).


In order to review some of the concepts that will help us understand the structure of or­ganic molecules, let’s consider three very important molecules-water, methane, and methanol (methyl alcohol). These three are small and relatively simple molecules that have certain simi­larities among them, yet distinct differences that can be understood on the basis of their struc­tures. Water is a liquid with a moderately high boiling point that does not dissolve organic compounds well. Methanol is also a liquid, with a lower boiling point than water, but one that dissolves many organic compounds easily. Methane is a gas, having a boiling point well below room temperature. Water and methanol will dissolve in each other, that is, they are miscible. We shall study the structures of water, methanol, and methane because the principles we learn with these compounds can be extended to much larger molecules.

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