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Management, 6th edition


Author: Stephen P., Coulter, Mary, Bergman, Stagg Robbins

Publisher: Pearson


Publish Date: 2012

ISBN-10: 1442538600

Pages: 754

File Type: PDF

Language: English

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Book Preface

In these dynamic and challenging times, there is a need to look for inspiration in how managers and organisations can change the way they operate to meet their economic, environmental and social responsibilities. No successful organisation, or its managers, can operate without understanding and dealing with the dynamic environment that surrounds them. One of the biggest mistakes managers make today is failing to adapt to the changing world. With challenges of dealing with the aftermaths of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), natural disasters such as bushfires, flooding and cyclones in many states, and earthquakes in New Zealand, as well as the looming future threat of global warming and climate change, there is a need to find inspiration in how some of the more successful managers and organisations are tackling these issues.

There is no doubt that management is a dynamic discipline. This means that a textbook on the subject must constantly undergo significant changes to prepare you to manage in increasingly dynamic conditions. Therefore, we have written this sixth edition of Management to provide you with the best possible understanding of what it means to be a manager confronting change.

Our approach to management is simple: management is about people. Managers manage people. Managers are the one thing that all organisations – whatever their size, kind or location – need. This book will introÂ�- duce you to a wide range of real managers and organisations, from the stories that open each chapter to the numerous boxes and case applications, which aim to provide you with interesting and thought-provoking examples of management in action. No other textbook has so successfully blended management theory with management practice. We are confident that this sixth edition will continue both to make management concepts meaningful to you, and to excite you about the possibilities of a career in management.


Part 1 Introduction 1

1 Introduction to organisations and management

2 Management yesterday and today

Part 2 Defining the manager’s terrain

3 Environment and organisational culture: The constraints

4 Managing in a global environment

5 Social responsibility and managerial ethics

6 Managing change and innovation

Part 3 Planning

7 Decision making: The essence of a manager’s job

8 Foundations of planning

9 Strategic management

Part 4 Organising

10 Organisational structure and design

11 Managers and communication

12 Human resource management

Part 5 Leading

13 Understanding individual behaviour

14 Understanding groups and teams

15 Motivating employees

16 Leadership

Part 6 Controlling

17 Foundations of control

18 Managing operations

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