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Abnormal Child Psychology 7th Edition

Abnormal Child Psychology 7th Edition PDF

Author: Eric J Mash and David A Wolfe

Publisher: Cengage Learning


Publish Date: January 1, 2018

ISBN-10: 1337624268

Pages: 672

File Type: PDF

Language: English

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Book Preface

We are delighted with the momentous success of Abnormal Child Psychology, leading to the release of this seventh edition. Over the past 20 years, we have closely connected to the diversity and significance of topics covered by this vibrant and active field, which (in our humble opinion) has established essential core knowledge for students interested in the many diverse areas of psychology that are influenced by normal and abnormal developmental processes. To keep pace with this expanding knowledge base, we have reviewed literally thousands of new studies across major and minor areas in this field, resulting in the most up-to-date and comprehensive text on the market.

The positive reception to previous editions of our book and the helpful feedback from students and in structors continues to shape Abnormal Child Psychology into a comprehensive yet student-friendly textbook.

The seventh edition maintains its focus on the child, not just the disorders, while continuing to keep the text on the cutting edge of scholarly and practical advancements in the field. Because reading textbooks can be demanding, we think you will find that the full color presentation, graphics, and artwork increase your engagement with and enjoyment of the material from the moment you pick up the book.

Major changes in diagnostic terminology and criteria are reflected in the organization and content of the seventh edition, consistent with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5).
For example, chapters on specific disorders are organized developmentally, beginning with Neurodevelopmental Disorders (i.e., intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, communication and specific learning disorders, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). A separate chapter on Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders is included to reflect the DSM-5 consensus that such dis- orders are distinct from other behavioral and emotional disorders. Also, this edition continues to expand on im- portant new developments over the past few years. Recent findings on diagnosis, prevalence, causes, subtypes, comorbidity, developmental pathways, risk and protective factors, gender, ethnicity, evidence based treatments, and early intervention and prevention are noted through- out. A recent upsurge of research into the role of genes and gene–environment interactions (G×E) as well as new studies of brain structure, functioning, and connectivity have contributed enormously to our understanding of the childhood disorders covered in this book.

At the same time, the seventh edition retains the hall- mark features that make it one of the most successful texts in courses on child psychopathology, abnormal child and adolescent psychology, developmental psychopathology, atypical development, and behavior disorders of childhood and adolescence. Among these features are engaging first-person accounts and case histories de- signed to create powerful links between key topics and the experiences of individual children and their families.

The features that follow are also foundational to the text.

The past decade has produced extraordinary advances in understanding the special issues pertaining to abnormal child and adolescent psychology. Today, we have a much better ability to distinguish among different disorders of children and adolescents, as well as increased recognition of common features and underlying mechanisms for these supposedly different disorders. Research advances have given rise to increased recognition of poorly understood or underdetected problems such as intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, communication and specific learning disorders, attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder, motor disorders, oppositional and conduct disorders, depressive and bipolar disorders, teen suicide and substance abuse, anxiety disorders, obsessive–compulsive disorder, trauma- and stressorrelated disorders, feeding and eating disorders, and disorders stemming from chronic health problems.
Similarly, the field of abnormal child psychology is now more aware of the ways children’s and adolescents’ psychological disorders are distinguishable from those of adults, and how important it is to maintain a strong developmental perspective in understanding the course of childhood disorders over the life span.1

In a relatively short time, the study of abnormal child and adolescent psychology has moved well beyond the individual child and family to consider the roles of community, social, and cultural influences in an integrative and developmentally sensitive manner. Similarly, those of us working in this field are more attuned to the many struggles faced by children and adolescents with psychological disorders and their families, as well as to the demands and costs such problems place on the mental health, education, medical, and juvenile justice systems

We believe that one of the best ways to introduce students to a particular problem of childhood or adolescence is to describe a real child. Clinical descriptions, written in an accessible, engaging fashion, help students understand a child’s problem in context and provide a framework in which to explore the complete nature of the disorder. In each chapter, we introduce case examples of children and adolescents with disorders from our own clinical files and from those of colleagues. We then refer to these children when describing the course of the disorder, which provides the student with a well- rounded picture of the child or adolescent in the context of his or her family, peers, community, and culture.
In addition to clinical case material, we use extracts, quotes, and photos throughout each chapter to help the student remain focused on the real challenges faced by children with disorders and their families. First-person accounts and case descriptions enrich the reader’s understanding of the daily lives of children and adolescents with problems and allow for a more realistic portrayal of individual strengths and limitations

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