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Teaching Physical Education for Learning 7th Edition

Teaching Physical Education for Learning 7th Edition PDF

Author: Judith E Rink

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Publish Date: February 22, 2013

ISBN-10: 007802269X

Pages: 384

File Type: PDF

Language: English

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Book Preface

As a result of the recent obesity crisis, physical education programs have been asked to play a major role in increasing the level of
physical activity of students and in developing skills for a lifetime of physical activity. Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs are being implemented in many schools to respond to the daily needs of students for physical activity. Over the past years the important relationship between motor skill and lifetime physical activity has become more clear. The physical education instructional program will have to play a major role in developing the skills, attitudes, and knowledge that children will need for a lifetime of physical activity. In order to do this, teachers are going to have to have the skills to teach effectively to outcomes. Teaching is a process that is both interactive and context specifi c. Teachers need the technical skills of teaching, but they also need to be able to apply them situationally.

The focus of this book is on the basic skills of teaching that are appropriate to teaching all content areas. Without these skills teachers cannot be effective.

In this new edition the material on the professional teacher has been moved from one of the last chapters to the first chapter. A large section on the relationship between motor skills and physical activity has been added to the chapter on teaching motor skills and the games stages that were part of the context specific chapter has been moved to the content development chapter.

All chapters have been revised and updated to increase the number of examples given students and to increase the clarity of critical ideas students should take from their reading.

The text is organized to begin with an orientation chapter that sets the stage for students beginning to see themselves as a professional and for student learning as the primary goal of the teaching process. This chapter is a key to developing student understanding of the importance of chapters to follow. It is followed by a chapter on the importance of motor skill learning to the development of a physically active lifestyle and factors that infl uence student learning. Although many programs have course work in motor learning and development, the essential concepts from these areas are presented with their implications for teaching.

Part II of the text presents chapters on the critical teaching skills for teaching physical education. These have not changed a great deal over the years. Although there is a rationale for the order in which they are presented, it is expected that instructors use order fl exibly according to the specific needs of a program. Part III of the text presents a chapter on content-specifi c pedagogy. This chapter is not intended to be inclusive of what a teacher needs to know to teach fi tness, games/sports, or movement concepts, but rather begins to identify pedagogical issues specific to a content area. Chapters on the teacher as the continuous learner and observational techniques and tools are included in Part III of the text as well. The chapter on observation is designed as a reference tool for systematic observation of teaching to facilitate instructor feedback on the teaching skills described in the text.

Each chapter begins with an overview that sets the stage for the importance of the chapter. Chapters conclude with a summary of key ideas of the chapter and, questions designed to check student understanding of the materials, and references. The website that accompanies Teaching Physical Education for Learning includes an instructor’s manual that provides some suggestions for using the chapter and describes student learning experiences that can be used to make sure that students can use the material in the chapter. It also includes a test bank of short-answer questions for the instructor, as well as PowerPoint presentations for each of the chapters.

The latest edition of Moving into the Future: National Content Standards for Physical Education can be packaged with Teaching Physical Education for Learning at the instructor’s request. This resource is an ideal accompaniment for the text, as the standards define learning outcomes for effective teaching.

Brief Contents
Preface xv
Understanding the Teaching-Learning
Process 1
1 Teaching Physical Education:
An Orientation 1
2 Factors That Influence Learning 18
Effective Teaching Skills 38
3 Designing Learning Experiences
and Tasks 38
4 Task Presentation 63
5 Content Analysis and Development 83
6 Developing and Maintaining a Learning
Environment 117
7 Teaching During Activity 139
8 Teaching Strategies 159
9 Student Motivation, Personal Growth, and
Inclusion 189
10 Planning 217
11 Assessment in the Instructional Process 247
Context and Reflection 276
12 Content-Specific Pedagogy 276
13 The Teacher as the Continuous Learner 302
14 Observation Techniques and Tools 317
Glossary 347
Credits 351
Index 352

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