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Study Guide for University Physics Vol 1


Author: Hugh D. Young and Roger Freedman

Publisher: Addison-Wesley


Publish Date: August 17, 2007

ISBN-10: 321500334

Pages: 416

File Type: PDF

Language: English

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Book Preface

What do an Olympic athlete, your favorite music artist, and Albert Einstei n have i n common? They all becameexperts in their fields through practice. To understand physics and to do well in your course, you must practice. When you learned to walk, ride a bike, and drive a car; you had to practice to master those skills. It would be silly to think you can learn physics by listening to lectures and skimming the book. This study guide is designed to help you practice and to build a deep understanding of physics.

Expert problem solvers in physics follow a systematic approach in their problem solving. Elite athletes also folIow a systematic approach in their training to reach the upper level of their sport. You should also follow a systematic approach in your physics course to fully develop your skills. To encourage you in building good problem-solving skills, this study guide follows a systematic problem-solving procedure throughout-the Identify, Set Up, Execute, and Evaluate procedure developed in the textbook.

In the Identify phase of the problem, you should identify the relevant concepts. Decide which physics concepts can be used to solve the problem. Identify the target variable in the problem, and keep this target variable in mind as you solve the problem. Don’t think you can save time by skipping this step and jumping right into an equation search. You need to plan a strategy for solving the problem: Decide what you know, where you are going, and how to proceed to the solution.

In the Set Up phase of the problem, you should select the equations you will use to solve the problem and how to use them to determine the solution. Make sure you select equations that are appropriate for the physics of the problem, and don’t select equations based solely on the variables in the equation. You should sketch each problem to help you visualize the physical situation and guide you to the solution. Rarely do physicists discuss cutting-edge research problems without first sketching their ideas.

When you proceed to Execute the solution, work through the solution step-by-step. Identify all of the known and unknown quantities in the equations, making a note of the target variable. Then do the calculations to find the solution, writing down all of your work so you may return and check it later. If you run into a dead end, don’t erase your work as you may find it useful in a later phase of the problem. Try another avenue when you get stuck and you will eventually find the solution.

After completing the problem, Evaluate your result. Your goal is to learn from the problem, and build your physics intuition. Does the answer make sense? If you were estimating how high an elephant can jump, you’d expect it ought to be less than a meter or two. Consider how this problem compares to the last problem you completed, the example in the text, and the example shown in class. Physicists constantly compare and contrast their new results to previous work as they observe natural phenomena, find patterns, and build principles to connect various phenomena.

Questions and problems chosen for this study guide cover the most critical topics you’ ll encounter. Working through the guide will better prepare you for homework (including MasteringPhysics) and exams as well as assist in developing a deeper understanding of physics. One way to build confidence is to try working through the questions and problems in the guide for practice, referring to the solutions only when you get stuck. Building confidence before an exam reduces stress during the exam, improvi ng performance. Several ‘Try It Yourself’ problems are i ncluded at the end of each chapter to help build your confidence. Solution checkpoints are included for each of these problems to help you if you get stuck. Summaries, Objectives, Concepts and Equations, and Problem Summaries are ancillary materials that help bring the physics topi cs of each chapter into coherence. Taking advantage of all of the components in this study guide will help build your problem-solving repertoire.

This study guide is but one of many resources at your disposal when learning physics. Your instructor, class, and textbook are also important resources. But you should also consider who approaches the material from the same level and perspective as yourself-your fellow students. The best untapped resource in a physics class is often other students learning physics for the first time. Discuss physics as a group and confront your questions together, just as many professionals collaborate in the workplace.

We know physics has a reputation for being challenging. While it can be challenging, many students have succeeded in learning physics. Their success was built on a series of small steps, regular practice, and following a systematic approach. Follow their footsteps and you will master physics as they did. You’ll also find physics to be a rich and beautiful subject.

Good luck and enjoy learning physics! Dedicated to Marley, a 45-pound lab mutt that brought a petaton of happiness to our lives.

Laird Kramer
Miami, Florida, 2007

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