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LooseLeaf for Sociology: A Brief Introduction 12th Edition

LooseLeaf for Sociology: A Brief Introduction 12th Edition PDF

Author: Richard T. Schaefer

Publisher: McGraw Hill


Publish Date: October 3, 2016

ISBN-10: 1259425584

Pages: 496

File Type: PDF

Language: English

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Book Preface

What’s New?

Changes to the Twelfth Edition reflect new research findings,  updated statistics, and hot topics and issues. Revisions to the  print and digital program were also guided by student performance data anonymously collected from the thousands of  students who have used LearnSmart with Sociology: A Brief
Introduction. Because virtually every text paragraph is tied to  several questions that students answer while using LearnSmart,  the specific concepts that students are having most difficulty  with can be pinpointed through empirical data.
Chapter 1: Understanding Sociology
∙ Expanded introduction of the term sociological imagination
∙ Updated coverage of sociological study of post-Katrina New  Orleans
∙ Key Term treatment of mesosociology and global sociology
∙ Updated table, “Major Sociological Perspectives”
∙ Updated research data throughout section on “Applied and  Clinical Sociology”
∙ Discussion of contributions to feminist thought by Patricia  Hill Collins
∙ Updated figure, “Occupations of First-Year Sociology Majors”
∙ Taking Sociology with You question
Chapter 2: Sociological Research
∙ Updated figures, “Educational Level and Household Income  in the United States,” “Impact of a College Education on
Income,” and “Changing Attitudes toward the Legalization  of Marijuana”
∙ Research Today box, “Visual Sociology,” with key term  treatment of visual sociology and applied sociology
∙ Inclusion of transgender issues in section on “Queer Theory  and Methodology”
∙ Discussion of 2015 study showing decline of television coverage of women in sports
∙ Thinking Critically question in section on “Queer Theory  and Methodology”
∙ Expanded discussion of portrayal of gender in movies in
“Social Policy: Studying Human Sexuality” section
∙ Taking Sociology with You question
Chapter 3: Culture
∙ Updated figure, “Countries with High Child Marriage Rates,” and added Think about It question
∙ Added photo and Think about It question to “Role of Language” section
∙ Updated data in section on values and in figure, “Life Goals of First-Year College Students”
∙ Figure, “Values: Acceptance of Non-Marital Cohabitation”
Chapter 4: Socialization and the Life Course
∙ Opening excerpt, The Wolfpack, based on interview with  filmmaker Crystal Moselle
∙ Think about It question in table, “High School Popularity”
∙ Photo of Marine basic training to illustrate concept of total  institution
∙ Taking Sociology with You question
Chapter 5: Social Interaction, Groups,  and Social Structure
∙ Enhanced discussion and new examples in section on
“Ascribed and Achieved Status”
∙ Think about It question in discussion of role exit
∙ Photo of Denali to illustrate role conflict
∙ Photo from Survivor: Cambodia to illustrate coalition building
∙ Thinking Critically question in “Elements of Social Structure” section
∙ Discussion of how gender influences ascribed status within  formal organizations elaborated with new research
∙ Discussion of “flat” hierarchies in section “Bureaucracy and  Organizational Culture”
∙ Our Wired World box, “Becoming Social in a Gesellschaft”
∙ Coverage of 2015 U.S. labor rulings in Social Policy feature
Chapter 6: The Mass Media
∙ Chapter-opening photo emphasizing worldwide reach of  Western media
∙ Enhanced discussion of conferral of status through social  media, including Think about It question
∙ Think about It questions about brand recognition and marketing through social media and in figures “Who’s on the Internet?” and “Media Penetration in Selected Countries”
∙ Updated data in tables “Status Conferred by the Media” and
“Networked Readiness Index”
∙ Updated figures, “Branding the Globe” and “Who’s on the  Internet?”
∙ Let’s Discuss question in box, “Inside the Bubble: Internet Search Filters”
∙ Enhanced discussion of dominant ideology in the media and  expanded Use Your Sociological Imagination exercise
∙ Enhanced discussion of feminist research and perspectives  on media
∙ Our Wired World box, “Can Cell Phones Solve the Refugee Crisis?”
Chapter 7: Deviance, Crime, and Social Control
∙ Enhanced discussion of solitary confinement in section on
“Social Control”
∙ Research Today box, “Debtors’ Jails in the Twenty-first  Century”
∙ Thinking Critically question in “Law and Society” section
∙ Think about It questions in tables, “Sociological Perspectives  on Crime” and “Types of Transnational Crime”
∙ Updated figures “The Status of Medical Marijuana,” “Categorization of Reported Hate Crimes,” and “Victimization Rates”

∙ Updated tables, “National Crime Rates and Percentage  Change” and “Types of Transnational Crime”
∙ Sociology on Campus box, “Packing Firearms on Campus”
∙ Social Policy section, “The Death Penalty in the U.S. and  Worldwide”
Chapter 8: Stratification and Social Mobility in  the United States
∙ Chapter-opening excerpt from Federal Reserve chair Janet  Yellen’s remarks about income and social inequality
∙ More comprehensive definition of income
∙ Research Today box, “The Shrinking Middle Class”
∙ Think about It question about sociological perspectives on  stratification, risk factors for poverty, and intergenerational  mobility
∙ Added figures, “Distribution of Family Wealth in the United  States” and “U.S. Minimum Wage Adjusted for Inflation,  1950–2015”
∙ Updated tables, “Human Trafficking Report” and “Who Are  the Poor in the United States?”
∙ Updated figures, “Mean Household Income by Quintile” and
“Poverty in Selected Countries”
∙ Sociology on Campus box, “Student Debt”
∙ Social Policy section, “Executive Compensation”
Chapter 9: Global Inequality
∙ Sociology in the Global Community box, “It’s All Relative:  Appalachian Poverty and Congolese Affluence”
∙ Section on the United Nations’ Millennium Development goals
∙ Updated figures, “Foreign Aid per Capita in Nine Countries,” “Multinational Corporations Compared to Nations,”  and “Distribution of Income in Nine Nations”
Chapter 10: Racial and Ethnic Inequality
∙ Discussion of effects of social media on attitudes toward  police treatment of minorities
∙ Discussion of Black Lives Matter movement and of attitudes  toward Muslims during the 2016 presidential campaign in  section on racial profiling
∙ Think about It questions about racial and ethnic makeup of  U.S. population, differences in earning power between ethnic  groups, sociological theories of discrimination, treatment of  Native Americans (with new illustration), religious affiliation of Arab Americans
∙ Key Term treatment for redlining, asylee, and refugee
∙ Expanded discussion of redlining as an effect of the Great  Recession
∙ Main section, “Immigration and Continuing Diversity in the  United States,” with illustrations and Thinking Critically  question
∙ Discussion of the effects of renewed relations between the  United States and Cuba in material on migration
∙ Main section “Immigration and Continuing Diversity,” including Social Policy section, “Global Immigration Crisis” with  figure, “Legal Immigration to the United States, 1820–2014”  and table, “Top Sources of Refugees to the United States”
∙ Updated table, “Racial and Ethnic Groups in the United States,  2014”
∙ Updated figures, “Racial and Ethnic Groups in the United  States, 1500–2060 (Projected),” “U.S. Median Income by  Race, Ethnicity, and Gender,” “Mapping Life Nationwide:  Voter ID Requirements,” “Asian American and Pacific  Islander Population by Origin, 2014,” and “Hispanic Population by Origin, 2014”
Chapter 11: Stratification by Gender and Sexuality
∙ Think about It questions about conventional gender behavior,  social implications of the matrix of domination, and women’s labor force participation
∙ Key term treatment for gender identity and sexual identity
∙ Discussion of gender identity as a spectrum
∙ Main sections, “Gender and Human Sexuality” and “Labeling and Human sexuality,” with Thinking Critically question
∙ Figure, “Women’s Labor Force Participation Rates, Selected  Countries”
∙ Sociology in the Global Community box, “No Gender, Please:  It’s Preschool!”
∙ Updated table, “U.S. Women in Selected Occupations”
∙ Updated figure, “Mapping Life Worldwide: The Global Divide  on Abortion”
Chapter 12: The Family and Household Diversity
∙ Main section, “Gay and Lesbian Relationships”
∙ Figure, “U.S. Households by Type, 1967 and 2014,” with  Think about It question
∙ Discussion of Supreme Court’s ruling legalizing same-sex  marriage and its social implications
∙ Discussion of cross-cultural attitudes toward divorce
∙ Key term treatment of flexibility stigma
∙ Updated figures “Median Age at First Marriage in Eight  Countries,” “Rise of Single-Parent Families in the United  States, 1970–2015,” “Trends in Marriage and Divorce in the  United States, 1920–2014”
∙ Social Policy section, “Family Leave Policy Worldwide”  with figures, “Paid Maternity Leave, Selected Countries,”
“Paid Paternity Leave, Selected Countries,” and “Acceptance  of Parental Leave, Selected Countries”
Chapter 13: Education and Religion
∙ Chapter-opening excerpt from Death and Life in the Great  American School System by Diane Ravitch
∙ Think about It questions about costs of college education,  theoretical perspectives on education, disparities in teacher  salaries, functions of religious practices

∙ Elaboration of material on hidden curriculum, with example  linked to queer theory
∙ Discussion of new research on effects of tracking
∙ Figure, “Religious Affiliation 2010–2050”
∙ Research Today box, “Wicca: Religion or Quasi-Religion?”
∙ Discussion of impact of the Internet on religion
∙ Key term treatment of charter school and quasi-religion
∙ Updated figures, “Current Higher Education Graduation  Rates, Selected Countries,” “Tuition and Room and Board  Costs, 1963–2013,” “Mapping Life Nationwide: Average  Salary for Teachers,” “College Campuses by Race and Ethnicity: Then, Now, and in the Future,” and “Mapping Life  Nationwide: Charter Schools”
∙ Social Policy section, “Charter Schools”
Chapter 14: Government and the Economy
∙ Think about It questions about rank order of world’s largest  economies and global terrorism index
∙ Section on the sharing economy
∙ Discussion of recent political trends in the United States
∙ Research Today box, “The Latino Political Voice,” with  figure, “Latino Participation in Presidential Elections,  1988–2012”
∙ Discussion of criticism of pluralist model of American politics
∙ Discussion of growing importance of online politicking
∙ Figure, “Global Terrorism Index”
∙ Discussion of terrorism and labeling theory
∙ Updated figures, “World’s Largest Economies,” “Voter Turnout Worldwide,” “Women in National Legislatures, Selected
Countries,” “Mapping Life Worldwide: Global Peace Index”
Chapter 15: Health, Population, and the Environment
∙ Two main sections on population and migration
∙ Key Term treatment of birthrate, census, death rate, demographic transition, demography, environmental refugee, fertility, growth rate, life expectancy, migration, population  pyramid, total fertility rate, vital statistics, and zero population growth
∙ Discussion of interactionist perspective on provider–patient
relationship, with emphasis on role of class and race and on  the role of technology
∙ Discussion of stigma associated with illness, with emphasis  on confidentiality of electronic patient records
∙ Think about It questions about infant mortality rates, AIDS  mortality and morbidity, alternative medicine, and trends in  CO2 emissions
∙ Thinking Critically questions about social stigma of mental  illness and social issues associated with population growth  and decline
∙ Discussion of trend toward jailing of the mentally ill
∙ Taking Sociology to Work box about deputy director of the  Department of Statistics, Government of Bahamas
∙ Figures, “Population Growth Rate in Selected Countries,”
“Demographic Transition,” “Population Structure of Afghanistan, Italy, and the United States, 2017,” and “Change in CO2 Emissions in Selected Countries, 1990–2015”
∙ Table, “Estimated Time for Each Successive Increase of  1 Billion People in World Population”
∙ Discussion of China’s new two-child policy
∙ Sociology in the Global Community box, “Environmental  Refugees”
∙ Discussion of 2015 Paris environmental summit
∙ Updated figures, “Infant Mortality Rates in Selected Countries,” “AIDS by the Numbers Worldwide,” “Mapping Life Nationwide: Percentage without Health Insurance,” “Total  Health Care Expenditures in the United States, 1970–2020  (Projected),” “Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine,” and “The Environment vs. Energy Production”
Chapter 16: Social Change in the Global Community
∙ Chapter-opening excerpt from Social Movements and New  Technology by Victoria Carty
∙ Figures, “Declining Drive-Ins 1954–2012,” “Walking to Work
1960–2012,” “The Changing U.S. Economy,” and “Estimated  Global Sale of Industrial Robots, 2010–2018”
∙ Discussion of the importance of gender in understanding  social movements
∙ Example of vested interests
∙ Example of culture lag
∙ Discussion of women’s role in migration of families
∙ Updated figures, “Internet Users by World Region,” “Internet Penetration by World Region,” and “Internet’s Top Ten Languages”

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