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Differential Equations, 4th edition


Author: Paul (Paul Blanchard) Blanchard

Publisher: Brooks Cole


Publish Date: March 11, 2011

ISBN-10: 495561983

Pages: 864

File Type: PDF

Language: English

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Book Preface

The study of differential equations is a beautiful application of the ideas and techniques of calculus to our everyday lives. Indeed, it could be said that calculus was developed mainly so that the fundamental principles that govern many phenomena could be expressed in the language of differential equations. Unfortunately, it was difficult to convey the beauty of the subject in the traditional first course on differential equations because the number of equations that can be treated by analytic techniques is very limited. Consequently, the course tended to focus on technique rather than on concept.

At Boston University, we decided to revise our course, and we wrote this book tosupport our efforts. We now approach our course with several goals in mind. First, the traditional emphasis on specialized tricks and techniques for solving differential equations is no longer appropriate given the technology (laptops, ipads, smart phones, . . . ) that we carry around with us everywhere. Second, many of the most important differential equations are nonlinear, and numerical and qualitative techniques are more effective than analytic techniques in this setting. Finally, the differential equations course is one of the few undergraduate courses where we can give our students a glimpse of the nature of contemporary mathematical research.

The Qualitative, Numeric, and Analytic Approaches

Accordingly, this book is very different from the old-fashioned “cookbook” differential equations text. We have eliminated many of the specialized techniques for deriving formulas for solutions, and we have replaced them with topics that focus on the formulation of differential equations and the interpretation of their solutions. To obtain an understanding of the solutions, we generally attack a given equation from three different points of view.

One major approach we use is qualitative. We expect students to be able to visualize differential equations and their solutions in many geometric ways. For example, we readily use slope fields, graphs of solutions, vector fields, and solution curves in the phase plane as tools to gain a better understanding of solutions. We also ask students to become adept at moving among these geometric representations and more traditional analytic representations.

Since differential equations are easily studied using a computer, we also emphasize numerical techniques. DETools, the software that accompanies this book, providesstudents with ample computational tools to investigate the behavior of solutions of differential equations both numerically and graphically. Even if we can find an explicit formula for a solution, we often work with the equation both numerically and qualitatively to understand the geometry and the long-term behavior of solutions. When we can find explicit solutions easily, we do the calculations. But we always examine the resulting formulas using qualitative and numerical points of view as well.

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